I’m so happy to announce that I’m teaming up with one of my local independent bookstores, Little Shop of Stories, to provide y’all with signed and personalized copies of A RIVER ENCHANTED!
All pre-orders purchased before release day (which is February 15, 2022) will also come with a 5×7 print of this absolutely GORGEOUS character art of Jack & Adaira (who you will soon meet in the story) by the talented Illumine Illustrations.
Here are a few important things to note if you’re planning to pre-order:
*You must pre-order by February 14, 2022 at 11:59 PM EST to be eligible for the art print. I recommend pre-ordering as soon as you can, however, so the bookstore has plenty of time to order in the books.
*If you would like your book personalized, please specifically state how you would like that done in the “order comments” box (which you’ll see when you check out). It helps me tremendously when you are very specific (such as saying, “please personalize this book to Jack”). I can also personalize it in a creative way (if you want me to write a quote, etc.), but the main thing is that you are very clear so I know exactly how to personalize your book.
*If you don’t leave any instructions for personalization the “order comment” box, then I’ll just be signing your book and including the art print.
*The art print will be 5×7 in size!
*Little Shop of Stories does ship internationally, but if you have any further questions about this, please contact them directly.
*Thank y’all so much for all your support and excitement! I truly would not be here, two months away from releasing my FIFTH (!!!) book without you. Thank you thank you thank you for making this dream of mine possible, and I can’t wait to share this story with y’all when it publishes on February 15th!
We’re only one week away from DREAMS LIE BENEATH releasing (!!!) into the wild and I wanted to share a few tidbits of news in case you’re interested in purchasing a signed copy, snagging some goodies from my pre-order campaign, or want to join me for the launch.
First, I’m so excited to announce that signed & personalized copies of DREAMS are currently available for pre-order through my local independent bookstore, Avid Bookshop! If you pre-order your copy before October 31, 2021, your book will also come with this gorgeous exclusive 5×7 art print of Clem & Phelan, made by one of my favorite artists, Avendell!
If you would like your book personalized, please make sure you specify how you’d like it personalized (whether it’s to your name or if you’d like me to add a quote, etc.) in the comment box at the bottom of the order page. If it’s left blank, I will only be signing your book.
I’m happy to also announce that I’m hosting a pre-order campaign for this book! I have the goodies divided into three different tiers, based on if you pre-order the book from a retailer, are receiving the book in a subscription box, or request it at your local library.
Everyone who pre-orders the book, has the book coming in a subscription box, or requests the book at their local library will receive a digital packet full of exclusive goodies.
What’s inside the digital packet:
*A letter from me
*An annotated first chapter with my behind-the-scenes notes scrawled in
*A few hand lettered quotes from the book (made by yours truly)
*A chapter from Phelan’s POV
Everyone who pre-orders the book from a retailer (Avid Bookshop, B&N, Amazon, Target, Book Depository, your local indie, etc) will receive this gorgeous comic art strip of Clem (in disguise) and Phelan, made by artist Enselius.
I absolutely LOVE Enselius’s art, and I was beyond excited to have the chance to collaborate with her to make this adorable comic, which features one of my favorite scenes from the book. This print will be 5X7 in size, and I will be mailing it out with a handwritten letter, addressed to you. This is open to international readers!
Eight randomly chosen readers will receive a poster of the cover art, signed by the artist, Annie Stegg Gerard.
Email your proof or purchase, a screen shot of your book box subscription for the month DREAMS is going to be featured, or your library request to:
In the subject line, please write one of three things (depending on what you submit):
*Proof of Purchase
*Book Subscription
*Library Request
I will confirm that I received your entry. If you don’t get confirmation from me within a week, mark sure to resend. The digital packet will be emailed to you on release day, November 2nd. The art prints will be mailed out shortly thereafter.
You have until November 1, 2021 11:59 EST to enter Tiers 2 and 3.
I am extending Tier 1 entries ONLY for book subscription boxes until the last day of this year–December 31, 2021 at 11:59 PM EST. This is partly because some of you might not know you are receiving DREAMS until it shows up in your book box, which could be mid to late November and even December, given how there are currently distribution shortages and delays.
If you are submitting a proof of purchase for Tier 2 (which is the art print), please make sure to include your address in the email you send, so I know where to mail your art print to. If you have an international address, please make sure you type out your address with the correct line breaks, so I know exactly how to write it on the envelope.
If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me or send me an email.
I am so excited to be having a virtual launch for DREAMS! I will be in conversation with my lovely critique partner, Isabel Ibanez, and Avid Bookshop will be hosting the event via Zoom.
You do need a ticket to attend, so we can keep this event secure. If you have pre-ordered your book from Avid Bookshop, no worries! You have already been added to the ticket list, and you will receive a Zoom link an hour before the event begins.
If you have ordered your book elsewhere, or simply want to join, you will need to register with Avid Bookshop so they can send you the Zoom link.
Please visit their website to find instructions on how to do so:
If you can’t make it to the launch but still want to catch me at a virtual event, I would love for you to join me and a stellar group of authors for our book birthday bash event with One More Page Books!
Here is the link to check out more about this event, and you also would need to register to attend virtually:
If you purchase a copy of DREAMS from One More Page Books, it will come with a signed book plate!
I honestly cannot wait to share DREAMS with you all on November 2nd! It’s hard to believe it’s almost here. I’m excited but also a little anxious, which is normal for me when it comes to the week leading up to a book launch.
And as a final word…I will be at YALL FEST this year in Charleston, not as a participating author but to simply soak it in and have a writing retreat with some sweet author friends. But if you see me there, come say hi! I’d love to chat with you!
Hi friends! Just wanted to let you all know that I am having a Street Team for Sisters of Sword & Song, and everyone who would like to join can sign up and be a member of The Legion.
The first 75 readers who sign up will receive a digital ARC of the book via a website called Edelweiss; everyone thereafter will receive the first three chapters as a PDF file.
The missions will officially begin on May 19, and will lead up to release date of June 23. There will be prizes up for grabs for each of the missions.
It is my hope that this team will be a source of joy and light and connection and friendship during this tough time of the COVID-19 pandemic. I am thinking of you all, and hope above all that you and you loved ones are safe and well.
I am excited to share Evadne’s and Halcyon’s story with you.
I realize it’s woefully been well over a year since I 1) published a blog post on here 2) updated my website. If you commented on a post months ago, I am so sorry it took me so long to reply! Maintaining a website has been a new experience for me, and I’ve had to learn a lot along the way because I truly lack the knack for technological things. But…if there is a silver lining here, I would say my lack of activity and updates here means I have been investing my attention and time elsewhere, mainly in writing new projects and traveling.
Here’s a quick highlight reel of 2019:
THE QUEEN’S RESISTANCE was published on March 5, 2019
It was surreal and exciting to see my duology come to its conclusion. I had an amazing Street Team, and I also had a launch party at Avid Bookshop in Athens, GA. It was a night to remember. I did a virtual signing with Good Choice Reading, and got to sign so many pre-order copies for my readers (pictured below).
A week after pub date, my editor emailed me to let me know that The Queen’s Resistance was on the YA Hardcover Bookscan Bestseller list for the week of 3/9/19. I was completely shocked by this news, and of course excited and thankful for my readers who showed up for the book, whether it was by pre-ordering, leaving a review on retail sites, and/or featuring my books on their social media. If you are one of those amazing readers…thank you! Those seemingly small actions add up to be so important and vital for authors and the longevity of our unpredictable careers.
I went on an Epic Reads Meet Up Tour
I got to visit St. Louis, Missouri and Nashville, Tennessee in the company of some fantastic writers.
On the last day of April, I finished my first Adult Fantasy Manuscript
If you follow me on Instagram, you might have seen me post updates about this book, which I dubbed my “secret project 21.” I am very excited about this novel, and I hope to share more details and updates about it soon!
In the meantime, if you’re curious to know the tone and aesthetic for this project, you can check out the Pinterest board where I gathered some visual inspiration for this book (check out the board here: https://www.pinterest.com/rebeccajross/adult-fantasy-novel/ ). I also made my Spotify playlist for the book public, and I think the music that inspired this book is quite forth telling about the setting: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4V7UuEsgHOPqnTWMzqnwq7
I also began to draft the sequel to this novel during the summer (dubbed my “fire project”), and got around 70,000 words in before I had to shift gears. But for the most part, I know exactly where I’m heading with this duology, and I know the final line and it still gives me chills when I think about it.
These characters truly found me when I needed them most, and I wrote these novels for myself, which is honestly a hard thing to do after you’ve had a publishing deal, when expectations and worries and contracts start to weigh down your imagination and productivity. You want to write a book that your readers and fans will love, a book that will sell, a book that your editor will adore, but also something that speaks to you in the moment, something you love and are proud of. It can be a difficult dance to discover.
So, I think it’s safe to say these two novels were like beacons and light to me all throughout the highs and lows of 2019. Even if they never land a publishing deal and no one other than my agent and my critique partners ever reads them…they mean the world to me.
All throughout summer and autumn, I finished my last round of edits for SISTERS OF SWORD & SONG.
The cover was finally revealed, which I am SO IN LOVE WITH. It was exactly what I was envisioning for this book. The illustration is by Kate O’Hara, and the handlettering is by Molly Fehr.
I think what delights me the most is how everything on the cover (and the back cover too, which is just as exquisite) ties into this story of the two heroines, Evadne and Halcyon. Evadne, who becomes a scribe, and Halcyon, who is a warrior in the queen’s army, are both descendants of the fallen god of the wind. Wings and flight play vital themes in the story. The girls also grew up in an ancestral olive grove, which their family still tends and cares for.
I held this book in printed form for the first time in November when my ARCs (advance reader copies) arrived and it was surreal. I might have breathed in the scent of the pages and gotten teary eyed, and it’s not even the final version! (Those should arrive on my threshold within the next two months or so!).
If you’re new to my books, and somehow stumbled upon this website blog and want to learn more about Sisters of Sword & Song, feel free to visit my webpage devoted to it: https://rebeccarossauthor.com/sisters-of-sword-and-song/
I’m currently preparing to launch a Street Team, so that’s been keeping me busy in 2020. But I digress…
Perhaps one of the biggest highlights of my 2019 was this one right here:
I visited Mexico for the Guadalajara International Book Festival, to celebrate the release of La Resistencia de la Reina!
It was my first time in Mexico, and it was one of those trips that I always dreamt of but never truly expected to happen–being invited by one of my foreign publishers for a book event. I honestly felt like I was dreaming most of the time!
Not only did I get to meet some amazing readers and sign their books (one reader was dressed up in one of the BEST Brienna cosplays I have ever seen!), I also got to meet my Spanish editor, Leo. It’s always a special moment when an author gets to meet the team of people behind her books, and I was so honored to meet Dalil, Evelyn and Larissa, who work for Urano, my Spanish publisher, and most of all were kindred spirits. I felt like I had known them for years!
My Spanish Editor, Leo!
The lovely Shea Ernshaw was also with me (my first time meeting her!) and if you have not read The Wicked Deep or Winterwood…what are you waiting for!?
It was a special trip, and was the perfect way to conclude my 2019. I hope to return to Mexico again soon, because it is a beautiful place.
The last thing of 2019 I worked on…
Was my next young adult fantasy. This will be my fourth published YA novel, and I began drafting it literally on Thanksgiving Day, and tried to work on it as much as I could before I flew off to Mexico in December. When I returned from my trip, I knew I needed to buckle down and draft this book as quickly as I could (it was due to my editor by mid-January). Drafting is typically my favorite part of writing a novel, and I hit a few hard, slow days but I somehow got this book complete and sent off on time!
I’m very very excited about this novel, and it should be announced soon (like…I’m hoping in the next few weeks), but until then, here is what I can say about it:
It’s a stand-alone novel
It’s a young adult fantasy
There’s revenge, magicians, mirrors and nightmares
There’s also an enemies-to-lovers romance
It’s on schedule to publish summer 2021
More to come soon, I promise!
Final thoughts on 2019:
It was a good year. A busy year. A productive year. It was also a hard year in my personal life. But when I look back on it…I see how I grew, not just in my writing and my craft, but in experiences and courage and strength and resiliency.
I hope your 2019 was good to you, and that 2020 (wow, I cannot even believe it’s already MARCH!!) will also bring wonderful things into your life.
Something very exciting happened last week! Kathryn from Blissfully Bookish Company designed t-shirts inspired by TQR! I am so honored that I got to collaborate with her, and I am simply amazed by how gorgeous her designs are. The collection is now up for sale and you can purchase your shirt here: https://blissfullybookish.com/collections/boyfriend-tees?page=4
Secret Door QuoteHouse of Morgane ShirtHouse of MacQuinn ShirtHouse of Kavanagh Shirt
Back in 2017, a year before my debut was to hit shelves, I made a little handy passion quiz. For the most part, I think it’s quite accurate (I did test it on my sisters and my literary agent and they agreed with their results…) And I thought it was about time to find and resurrect it for THE QUEEN’S RISING paperback release today!
Paperback copy is born today!
I’m hosting a giveaway for a signed paperback copy of THE QUEEN’S RISING on my Instagram right now, and, as a bonus entry, you can take this quiz and share in your Instagram stories which passion you are (just make sure you tag me @beccajross so I see it).
Without further ado, here’s the quiz. And remember, this is like the Sorting Hat at Hogwarts: you are always free to choose which passion you want to follow, no matter the results. đ
Hello, hello! I am very excited to unveil the preorder campaign for my second book, THE QUEEN’S RESISTANCE! I have been planning this for months, and I hope you all will enjoy what I have in store for you. Read on for the details & to learn how to enter.
Oriana writing a letter to Brienna. (Huge thanks to Vanessa for posing in this picture for me!).
You will receive a PDF file of The Passion Sister Letters. This is content that was deleted from the very first draft of The Queen’s Rising. And I know so many of my readers wonder about Brienna’s passion sisters, especially after the solstice when each of the girls go their own way. These letters (which are addressed to Brienna, written by her sisters) will give you a little glimpse into what life is like for the girls post solstice.
The PDF will include:
A letter from Ciri
A letter from Abree
A letter from Oriana
A letter from Sibylle
A letter from Merei
Sneak Peek at one of the letters. Any guesses as to who wrote this? đ
I also want to open up this part of the campaign for readers who are unable to purchase a copy of my book. I know how budgets and paychecks can be (and how us bookworms sometimes have to limit ourselves to what we can buy versus what we can borrow). If you cannot afford to preorder my book, you can still receive The Passion Sister Letters by going to your local library and requesting The Queen’s Resistance. If you do, please email me at rebeccarossauthor@gmail.com and let me know the name and address of the library you requested my book at (but more about that below).
Grand Prize (excluding the passion cloak)
1. Brienna’s Book of Knowledge. Okay, so when I saw this little journal on Etsy, I knew one of my readers needed to win it. Inside, you will find hardcopies of the five passion sister letters, as well as a few pages of ephemera, in case you want to transform this into your own junk journal.
2. Two Young Living Essential Oil Rollers. I am super excited to include these two rollers in my grand prize! One of the rollers is called “Valor” and is made of Black Spruce, Camphor Wood, Geranium, Blue Tansy and Frankincense essential oils. The second roller (which is clear) is my own favorite “Writing Blend” and is infused with Peppermint, Lavender and Northern Lights Black Spruce. I diffused these oils when I was revising The Queen’s Resistance, and to this day they still make me think of Maevana. They also helped keep my mind sharp and focused when I was revising. My friend Aly is a Young Living distributer (you can find her @essentially_aly on Instagram) has teamed up with me to provide these two rollers, and they are amazing!
3. Swag! A portrait of Brienna and Cartier, made by Yara Noe, and a beautiful woodmark made by Paris of Ink & Wonder Designs.
4. Your very own passion cloak. Color depends on which passion you would choose (red cloak = art, purple cloak = music, green cloak = wit, black cloak = dramatics blue cloak = knowledge). Here’s a picture of me and my sisters from TQR’s launch party, so you can get an idea of what the cloak would look like (they are sporting the blue and the red cloaks):
Passion cloaks!
Preorder The Queen’s Resistance from any retailer (Good Choice Reading, your local Independent Bookstore, Amazon, B&N, etc) orrequest The Queen’s Resistance at your local library beforeMarch 5, 2019. Email me at rebeccarossauthor@gmail.com. To be a valid entry, please include the following:
1. Your First and Last Name
2. Your mailing address (if you preordered the book and want to be eligible for the grand prize drawing)
3. The name and address of the library you requested The Queen’s Resistance at (if you did not preorder & still want to receive The Passion Sister Letters).
4. Your Proof of Purchase (this can be a forwarded email, a screenshot, an image of your receipt, etc).
Hardbacks, paperbacks (such as the U.K. edition), audiobooks and electronic books are all included in the preorder campaign but please note that you must have a proof of purchase to be eligible for the grand prize. I know, for example, that Audible supplies its users with a few free audiobooks. If you choose The Queen’s Resistance as your free download, it will not be elligible for the grand prize drawing. It would not be fair to other entrants who do purchase the copy of my book.
For a valid entry for the grand prize drawing, a proof-of-purchase and entrant’s mailing address must be emailed to preorder campaign admin (Rebecca Ross) at rebeccarossauthor@gmail.com by 11:59 PM EST on March 4, 2019. All international entries are welcome and included!
For a valid entry for The Passion Sister Letters only, the name and address of the library the entrant has requested the book at must be emailed to preorder campaign admin (Rebecca Ross) at rebeccarossauthor@gmail.com by 11:59 PM EST on March 4, 2019.
Preorder campaign is open internationally to all readers 13+ in age
By entering, you are confirming that you are 13 or older, and giving the admin (Rebecca Ross) the permission to contact you via email and to mail you the grand prize should you win the drawing.
Following a valid entry, the reader will receive via email a PDF file of The Passion Sister Letters, which will include 5 letters total. One preorder entrant will be randomly drawn for the grand prize and will receive, in the mail, the following: Brienna’s Book of Knowledge, two essential oil rollers, swag that includes a portrait of Brienna and a portrait of Cartier and a Woodmark, and one passion cloak (the color of their choosing).
The winner of the grand prize will be drawn on March 5. If you win, you will be notified by me via email.
The Passion Sister Letters will be sent out via email on March 5.