Calling all readers and bloggers who loved The Queen’s Rising!

I am so excited to announce that I am creating a Street Team for The Queen’s Resistance! I have 20 spots open for fans who loved The Queen’s Rising and want to help me celebrate and spread the word about the release of The Queen’s Resistance on March 5.

But first, what is a Street Team? A Street Team is a group of fans who help an author spread the word about their book. This can be anything from posting about it on social media to requesting the book at your local library to writing reviews to hosting giveaways. There are many different ways an author can organize a Street Team, but the heart of the concept is to unite fans to raise awareness and love and excitement for their book.

I have four things I would like my Street Team to help me with:

1. Post something on your social media related to either The Queen’s Rising or the The Queen’s Resistance (this can be anything from a quote graphic, a picture of the map, a regram of any of my pictures, etc.)

2. Request The Queen’s Resistance at your local bookstore and/or library

3. Post a picture on your social media of The Queen’s Rising and/or The Queen’s Resistance with the swag I send you when it arrives

4. Post a picture of The Queen’s Resistance during publication week (pub date is March 5)

If you loved The Queen’s Rising and are eager and ecstatic and excited for The Queen’s Resistance and want to help me spread the word with these four things, then I would absolutely LOVE for you to sign up for the Street Team!

What You’ll Receive From Me:

I’ve created a gift for each one of my Street Team members, as a way to thank you for sharing posts about The Queen’s Resistance on your social media and requesting my book at your local library/bookstore. This gift provides you with some beautiful swag to enjoy and you can also utilize it to spread the word about The Queen’s Resistance. Here is what you will receive from me:

1. Two character portraits. One of Brienna and one of Cartier, made by artist Yara Noë

Portrait of Brienna, by Yara Noë
Portrait of Cartier, by Yara Noë

2. A gorgeous woodmark with a quote from The Queen’s Resistance, created by Paris of Ink and Wonder Designs  

Woodmark designed and made by Paris of Ink and Wonder Designs

3. Your very own constellation, hand painted by me, created uniquely for you

Hand painted constellation and note from me

4. And a handwritten letter from me

How to Sign Up:

I have a link for a Google Doc at the end of this post that I need you to fill out and submit. You must fill out the application and submit it by Tuesday January 22 at 11:59 EST to be considered. If you are selected to be a part of the team, I will notify you by email. I only have the resources for 20 spots. Depending on the number of applications I receive, there may be some applicants who are not chosen, and I just want to say that I am so grateful for everyone who applies! Selecting a team can be hard, especially when you have so many amazing readers. I also want to add that I am not just looking for applicants who have huge a huge following. What I want is a team of people who are enthusiastic and who love my books. 

A quick note about international readers:

I know that I have some wonderful readers overseas, and I want to include you if you are interested in the Street Team! Due to shipping costs, I can only open up 3 spots for international readers. But again, it’s important to me and I want to include you, so if you are an international reader and want to sign up, please do!

One Last Note:

Thank you, readers. Thank you for all of the love, time and support you have given to me and my books. I am so grateful for you, and I want you to know I could not do this without you. Every post, every review, every message, every recommendation truly means more to me than you can ever know. Thank you!  

How to Apply:

Fill out the form by Tuesday January 22 at 11:59 PM. You can access the form here at this link:

AHH I can’t believe it’s almost time for this book to release!!

Some other important links you might like:

You can find more of Yara Noë’s beautiful artwork here:

Also, check out Paris’ website: She has soooo many gorgeous woodmarks and other wondrous things available to purchase. And The Queen’s Resistance woodmark will be available to purchase from her shop in February!

I also want to credit Instagram blogger Bethany Grace for inspiring me to take these flower ombre pictures. If you’re on Instagram and are looking for a new beautiful account to follow, I highly recommend her profile! She is one of my favorite people on IG. Find her here:

About Rebecca Ross

I write fantasy novels for young adults. Out now: THE QUEEN'S RISING and THE QUEEN'S RESISTANCE. Coming up next: SISTERS OF SWORD & SONG, publishing on June 23, 2020 with HarperTeen/HarperCollins.
Blog Post, News, Street Team, The Queen's Resistance, The Queen's Rising
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